Alive on a Rainy Day
This is the revised second edition of Geoffrey Bucknall’s autobiography. The cover notes say this is not a conventional book, and it certainly is ...
Glorious Gentlemen
Bruce Sandison adopts a very interesting approach here. Using a voice recorder he interviewed keepers, gillies and stalkers, and country sports professionals, and then ...
Trout in Dirty Places
To most of us, the words ‘trout stream’ conjure up pastoral pictures of limpid rivers meandering through water meadows, of bubbling brooks in sylvan ...
The Floating Fly By Malcolm Greenhalgh
Once upon a time, in the dawn of pre-history – well, 2006, actually – a grayling angler who shall remain nameless, made the mistake ...
The Domesday Book of Giant Salmon, Volume II by Fred Buller
Just like any other monster, salmon of over 50lb in weight quickly become the stuff of legend, and anglers are always keen to hear ...
Blood Knots by Luke Jennings
Luke Jennings’s angling memoir, Blood Knots, is amongst the most fascinating and engaging books I have read. Indeed, I could well be tempted to ...
Freshwater Life, by Malcolm Greenhalgh
It’s an essential reference from regular FF&FT contributor, Dr Malcolm Greenhalgh, for any angler/entomologist who is interested in his or her surroundings, and/or likes ...
On the Beat with Black Shrimp, by John Cathcart
On the Beat is an angler's memory. It contains warm, well-told stories of fishing, fish and people from the 1950s until 2007 when, sadly, ...