UK declines United Nations’ ‘Freshwater Challenge’
Why hasn't UK joined the United Nations-led Freshwater Challenge to clean up rivers? Despite what we might think, 45% of New Zealand's ...
Why is DEFRA so evasive on water quality?
Why does the government say that the quality of our river-water is not 'of public interest'? The river Deben, which flows through ...
Lords’ sewage report way behind the public feeling
Government finally wakes up to river pollution scandal after press scrutiny and public outcry The House of Lords stated it was "shocked" ...
What constitutes a good day’s fishing?
What criteria do fly anglers use to judge 'a good day's fishing'? And how do fishery managers accomplish this? Our requirements for ...
Rutland warning – big brown trout
If you go down to Rutland Water this season be preapred for a big brown trout surprise This Rutland brownie was estimated ...
Switch-rod nitty gritty
When it comes to Switch rods, it is possible to get in deep and over your head very quickly. The switch rods (matched with ...
The vagaries of fly fishing
Behind the stories of red-letter days, where the capture of a specimen pike or an impressive bumper haul has occurred, there is an oft ...
A switch rod to suit
When it comes to Switch rods, it is possible to get in deep and over your head very quickly. The switch ...