June 2019
17 in stock
...And God created June
Dramatic angling for hill trout
Angling club of the month
Meet the friendly Wylye Fly Fishing Club - offering chalkstream fishing without the rock star prices
At the competitive edge
Setting up for competition on Blagdon
Cast better for less
Expert tips for improving distance and accuracy
Catch the Arlington express
Don't miss the boat!
Clever Caddis
Picking the winning pattern
Croston's choice
Howard's alternative to the Gold-head Nymph
Low water stitch up
Sea trout on a sewing needle
River Monster
Jeremy Wade's 10-inch trout
Springer on a treble chance
A three-pronged attack on the Munster Blackwater
Tackle Bag
Rods, boots ...and more on test!
17 in stock