Magnetic tools including Tungsten-carbide Nippers, Nippers, Hook Sharpeners and Peang multi-tool
Tungsten Carbide Nipper – metal key-ring loop has to be inches away before attraction is lost.
Geoff Anderson WizTools are nice quality tools. Good fit and finish, substantial tools. Most of the tools in this range come with fitted magnets. The idea is, rather than using zingers, retractable cords or coiled lanyards to attach tools to my jacket or bag, I use a pair of magnets, one clipped to me or my bad, the other fixed to a tool. Nice idea. The magnets are small pot magnets in a plastic housing, so the magnet locates exactly. The magnets fitted to the tools are fitted with a key-ring type ring. Fit the ring to a D-loop, waders, wading jackets, waistcoats, chest packs and general fishing bags, typically have a few suitable D-rings.
The magnets are designed so the tools pull free with a fair tug, and get the butt of the tool near the housing and the magnet pulls the two together positively.
These are designed so they can be used with any fishing clothing or bags – and – newer Geoff Anderson jackets come with magnets already fitted so tools link even better!
Tungsten Carbide Nipper
Large nippers, the body is one piece of steel, cut and sculpted to form a spring. Two tungsten carbide cutting blades are screwed to the tips. A substantial and handsome little tool, which cuts effectively. Fitted with a magnet pair.
Price: £39.50
Large, with rubberised finger-pads. Conventional, if large, stainless steel nippers. Very sharp blades. The size of these suits cold hands. Fitted with a magnet pair.
Price: £19.50
Hook Sharpener
Again, this looks and feel like a quality little tool. Smooth ceramic material, (aluminium Trioxide) feels like stone, looks like bone. The idea is this hones a hook, gives a sharp-enough hook a final ‘whet’ using a fine grain sharpening stone (3000 grit.)
Just drag the hook point along the V-groove in either side of the hone. I can feel metal being scraped. Study the point and it looks sharper, polished and gleaming – certainly feels sharper.
Price £19.50
Wiztool magnets
Two sizes, 1.5kg and 0.8kg, the ‘weights’ are to do with the force needed to pull the magnets apart. Both sizes come as a pack of two sets. The idea here is that these can be fitted to tools bought without magnets – Geoff Anderson or other brands. These are complete as they come, or can be used with the magnets fitted in Geoff Anderson jackets. Nicely made.
Price: £14.50 and £19.50 per pair.
Wiztool Peang
Think of this as a multi-tool; all the functions of a simple scissor pliers, plus a locking ratchet between the finger-loops, and an eye-clearing pin between the legs of the pliers. Rubberised finger-loops, fitted with a magnet pair.
A useful tool. I really like that this cuts, clamps, de-barbs, clears eyes and then clamps securely shut when on my jacket. These rubbery fingers are insulated, nicer than bare, frozen steel. Good tool.
Price £29.50
From: Geoff Anderson Stockists