There are three colour samples here: Pearl, Hot Pink and Hot Orange. Obviously, all three reflect visible light, however all three also reflect visible light when exposed to UV. The orange is by far the brightest and hottest.
This is medium textured/sized, which I’d say suits saltwater and medium and medium-to-large salmon flies, pike flies and the like. Like other Crystal Flashes this is essentially a strip of twisted, highly reflective flashy plastic. Because Crystal Flash is twisted it reflects and flashes seen from almost any direction, and the flash is subtle, glinting as the fly moves.
Crystal Flash ties in easily, these strands are not twisted on themselves so this handles well. Grip has used a conventional cable-tie to hold the bunch, and because the tie is not very tight I have the option of sliding it to one end making the hank very long – not a lot of point in that for the flies I typically tie, but handy for the biggest sea and pike fly tyers.
Two or three strands of Crystal Flash go a long way and used well it really does add something to a fly.
Pack quantity is fair, price is very good.