Meet the World Champion fly fisher Howard Croston, along with other FF&FT contributors Allan Liddle, Dave Southall, Tomas Kolesinskas, Paul Black and Ian Drummond, plus Mark Bowler, Magnus Angus and Pat Camber
World champion, Howard Croston. Meet him on the FF&FT stand at the BFFI.
Meet World Champion Howard Croston at this weekend’s British Fly Fair International on the FF&FT stand from 11.30am – 1 pm (both days).
Also, FF&FT regular contributors, Allan Liddle (Outlaw CdC flies and pheasant flies) and Dave Southall (trout and grayling flies) will be appearing on the stand alongside Tomas Kolesinskas, who will be tying Tay guide flies; Ian Drummond (sea trout flies and Buzzers); and Paul Black – Scottish wild trout wet flies.
Mark Bowler will be demonstrating how reservoir fishing skills prepare you for tropical saltwater flats fishing in the lecture theatre in his talk: From Eyebrook Dam to Caribbean Island – How to Access Flats Fly Fishing in the Tropics – at 10.30am both days.
Chief Reviewer, Magnus Angus will also be on hand, along with Advertising Manager, Pat Camber.
FF&FT will have a special show subscription offer running over both days, and have other products for sale including signed copies of Haynes Fly Fishing Manual, signed by Mark Bowler, neck-tubes, caps and Oliver Edwards Essential Skills DVDs.
Information about FF&FT‘s forthcoming Summer and autumn Salmon Schools and Saltwater Flats School, will also be available on the stand, along with information on our hosted trips to Slovenia.
Takes place this weekend, February 11 and 12, 2023 at Staffordshire County Showground, Weston Road, Stafford. ST18 0BD. Doors open Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm; Sunday 9.30am – 4.00pm. Prices on the door are £12 for a one day ticket and £20 for a 2-day ticket. All accompanied under-16s free entry.
Note: online ticket sales have now finished for the 2023 show.