June 2004
2 in stock
After the duffers' feast
When Mayfly feeders get tough.
Buzzers in the dark
New dry-fly tactics from Ireland's Lough Mask.
Down sizing
Tactical tips for stillwater dry fly success.
Down with the floater!
Do wet flies fish better on an intermediate?
From the gillie's fly box
Tie Tay gillie, Tony Black's grilse fly, the Murthly Special
Let it go!
Do our egos get in the way of catch-and-release?
Logan's Ballet Dancer
Tie the detached body fly that rides on its tippy toes.
Small deception in New Mexico
Davy Wotton fine-tunes his river-midge technique.
Spectacular Spey nights
Tackle up for the river's prolific sea trout.
The best sea trout fishing in Europe?
The clubbable, affordable River Towy.
2 in stock