January 2019
Out of stock
'D' for 'Deadly'
A filing system for cataloguing favourite patterns
A mains powered UV-cure lamp and resin and a razor trimmer are tested by Magnus Angus
Christmas cracker
Crack our Quizword to win handcrafted prizes from Hillditch Wood Design
Dead or alive
Tie a Caddis to cover adult and emerger stages
Fly-tying 2019
New fly-tying competition launched. Enter to win superb prizes. Sponsored by The Angler's Lodge at Jubilee Lakes
Into the red zone
An Irish top-dropper pattern with a deadly touch of scarlet
Land of the rising trout
Brian Cooper fishes in the hills north-east of Tokyo
Last gasp at Wimbleball
Making a late season cast at Wimbleball
Scraping the bottom
Adopt a simple technique to fish deep
Spate river secrets
Top tips from the salmon gurus
Star-spangled future
How a sewing shop can be a life changing destination
Tackle Bag
The latest gear is reviewed by Magnus Angus
World classes
Howard Croston continues to explain his World Championship tactics
Out of stock