May 2018


5 in stock

Buzzer comprehensive

8 patterns to cover chironomids

Cool heads

Charles Jardine's tactics and flies for the cold start of this new season

Going Potty

Neil Patterson drives large wild trout potty with peach

Heads up

Charles Jardine sketches a rise-form peculiar to small stillwaters

League results

Round 2 leaders of the 2017/18 Fly Tying League, sponsored by the Angler's Lodge at Jubilee Lakes

Monkey does the business

Mick Huffer ties a popular and effective modern tube fly

On the bench

Magnus Angus ties with iridescent thread

Prime real estate

Howard Croston says time spent reading the water is never wasted...

Pupils of the Caribbean

Mark Bowler reports on FF&FT's first ever bonefishing school


Win a pair of Orvis Ultralite waders

Snow-melt springers

Ally Gowans prepares for early running salmon after a cold snowy spring

The mysterious case of the Clousta Blue

Agatha Liddle investigates a Shetland mystery

The washing line for rivers

Dave Southall reveals his early season river repertoire

5 in stock
