August 2018
4 in stock
Ancient versus modern
How contemporary fly patterns compare with older styles
Angling club of the month
Dom Garnett meets Clatworthy Fly Fishing Club
Czech Nymphing with dries
Short-line techniques for a variety of adverse fishing conditions
Dead drift - a dead loss?
Howard Croston says there are many situations when moving your fly can out-score the perceived wisdom of nymphing
Re-wilding our rivers
To make a perfect trout stream Malcolm Greenhalgh believes we need to get back to nature
Salmon by Association
A tour for canny day-ticket salmon anglers
Shrimp Special
Tying the tasty Soft Touch Shrimp
Six stunning damsels
Having a Damsel imitation on the leader is often useful - and sometimes critical to success
The attraction of cheap sherry
Andrew Moss stumbles on some ideal materials to perfect his Blue-winged Olive Spinner
The mighty Sparrow
Tying Jack's Sparrow!
Wedding Belles
Colin MacLeod celebrated the Royal Wedding by kicking off his mullet season
When is a rise ...not a rise?
Identifying the underwater spinner fall
Wild trout Shin-dig
Why big, bold and beautiful Loch Shin is a destination well worth considering
4 in stock