Milkfish in the Seychelles
Tony Richards recounts a meeting with a huge milkfish in the Seychelles, the awesomely powerful, algae-grazing leviathans of the Indo-Pacific
Wet fly fishing on Loch Rannoch
Loch of the Soldier Palmer Mark Bowler describes a fabulous large loch on which to fish wet fly, in particular the Soldier Palmer. One ...
Tips and tricks to produce neater, better looking marabou flies
Gavin Jehu – The Marabou Magician – offers tricks and tips (plus his own magic tool) to produce neater, better-looking and more effective marabou ...
Trout fishing in Tuscany
John Capowski heads to four markedly different rivers for Trout fishing in Tuscany and Umbria regions of Italy.
The 10 best river patterns
Once in position to cast to a fish, it’s important that the fly is the correct one. Here, Dave Southall gives us the 10 best river patterns to exploit most situations
Three summer patterns tied with Mylar
Ronald Orr lists three modern summer patterns, which all include the reflective, metallicised plastic as a key component of the dressing
Review: Barbless Grub Hooks
Magnus Angus investigates barbless grub hooks
Deer Hair Emerger Variations
Allan Liddle offers five great variations to the classic Deer Hair Emerger (DHE), with tying tips and key materials identified.
Johan Put’s Savoury Shrimp Fly
Johan Put ties a realistic Shrimp fly for saltwater sea trout, bass and mackerel, using an easy technique for the legs