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Draycote Water sets to re-open in March
Severn Trent in discussions with new operator for Warwickshire trout fishery Draycote Water looks set to re-open ...
Fancy a dream job with wild trout?
Wild Trout Trust seeks Conservation Officer Can you deliver river habitat improvement projects? Experienced in ...
Angling bodies set their manifestoes for prospective new government
As the election looms, the angling bodies have listed their demands of newly elected MPs The Angling ...
By Allan Liddle
Preparing for a fly-tying show
How a demonstrator selects his materials for tying at the BFFI. Demonstrator's dilemma: what materials will I need? It's always the same the week before a show, total chaos. You plan out what you want to tie or ...
By Allan liddle
A bit of TLC makes all the difference to your fly vice
It's time to give your fly vice a good clean and service Just like new: Taking some time out to clean up your fly-tying vice is well worth the effort. Cleaning and maintaining your tying ...
The secret to catching more mullet
Seasoned mullet fly-fisher, Colin MacLeod, is convinced that red in a fly pattern is the secret to catching more mullet
Milkfish in the Seychelles
Tony Richards recounts a meeting with a huge milkfish in the Seychelles, the awesomely powerful, algae-grazing leviathans of the Indo-Pacific
Be prepared for the Mayfly with this detached-body Dun
Oliver Edwards uses foam, moose hair and thread to create a detached body Mayfly Dun dry fly with a deer-hair wing, ready for the imminent Mayfly – green drake ...
Tying the Silver Fritz Humungous
How to tie the Silver Fritz Humungous – a bead-chain eyed combination of black marabou, silver flash and grizzle hackle – tied by Magnus Angus for fishing early season ...